Investing in the legendary Warren Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway, is a popular matter. With the economy, politics, and technology all changing by 2024, many people are unsure if this is the best moment to invest in Berkshire Hathaway stock.
Berkshire Hathaway started as a small textile company and has grown into a big company with businesses in insurance, energy, railroads, and consumer goods. This mix of different businesses has helped it stay strong, even during tough times.
But looking to the future, there are important questions to consider. What will happen when Buffett is no longer in charge? How will the company handle new investment opportunities and market changes? Will its careful investment style keep delivering good returns, or will it need to change to stay competitive?
In this post, we’ll look at Berkshire Hathaway’s (BRK.A.) and (BRK.B.) stock price prediction & forecast for 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2030, 2035, and 2040, 2050, to determine whether Berkshire Hathaway is a good buy right now. Whether you’re an experienced investor or just interested, knowing this legendary company’s future will help you make smarter financial decisions. Continue reading to find out more!
Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. Details
Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. Details
Company Name | Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. |
Founded | 1839 (originally as Valley Falls Company), 1955 (Berkshire Hathaway, as known today) |
Founder | Oliver Chace (Valley Falls Company), Warren Buffett (current form) |
Headquarters | Omaha, Nebraska, USA |
CEO | Warren Buffett |
Industry | Conglomerate |
Core Businesses | Insurance, Utilities, Energy, Manufacturing, Retail, Services, and Finance |
Market Cap | Approximately $720 billion (as of 2023) |
Revenue | $276.1 billion |
Net Income | $33.1 billion |
Total Assets | $958.8 billion |
Berkshire Hathaway’s Class A (BRK.A) and Class B (BRK.B) Inc. Stock Price Today Live
Is Berkshire Hathaway a Good Buy Right Now?
At this point, Berkshire Hathaway might be a good buy right now. The business, which is headed by Warren Buffett, has a proven track record and a wide range of holdings in industries like consumer products, railroads, energy, and insurance. Its stability is aided by its diversity, especially in times of economic crisis.
Potential investors should think about Buffett’s successor as CEO, the company’s capacity to generate fresh investment possibilities, and its ability to adjust to shifting conditions. Because of its track record of wise investments and consistent profitability, Berkshire Hathaway is a good choice. However, we look at their future predictions by our analyst on Berkshire Hathaway’s Class A (BRK.A) and Class B (BRK.B).
Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A.) and (BRK.B.) Stock Price Prediction & Forecast
Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A.) and (BRK.B.) Stock Price Prediction & Forecast for 2024
- High Price: $660,900.00
- Average Price: $610,900.05
- Low Price: $605,900.90
- High Price: $433.22
- Average Price: $413.72
- Low Price: $401.92
For 2024, Berkshire Hathaway’s Class A (BRK.A) shares are predicted to have an average price of around $610,900, with a high of $660,900 and a low of $605,900. The Class B (BRK.B) shares are predicted to have an average price of $413.72, with a high of $433.22 and a low of $401.92. This shows a stable increase in stock prices, reflecting the company’s strong performance and market confidence.
Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) AND (BRK.B) Stock Price Prediction & Forecast for 2025
- High Price: $670,452.12
- Average Price: $665,400.03
- Low Price: $658,419.00
- High Price: $452.12
- Average Price: $445.23
- Low Price: $419.02
In 2025, BRK.A shares are forecast to have an average price of $665,400, with a high of $670,452 and a low of $658,419. BRK.B shares are expected to reach an average price of $445.23, with a high of $452.12 and a low of $419.02. This represents a growth rate of 7.61% for BRK.B shares from the previous year, driven by continued strong financial performance and strategic investments.
Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) AND (BRK.B) Stock Price Prediction & Forecast for 2026
- High Price: $685,220.99
- Average Price: $677,100.70
- Low Price: $671,544.07
- High Price: $473.92
- Average Price: $460.70
- Low Price: $448.77
For 2026, the average price of BRK.A shares is predicted to be $677,100, with a high of $685,221 and a low of $671,544. BRK.B shares are expected to average $460.70, with a high of $473.92 and a low of $448.77. The growth rate for BRK.B shares is expected to be 3.47%, indicating moderate but steady growth.
Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) AND (BRK.B) Stock Price Prediction & Forecast for 2027
- High Price: $690,588.85
- Average Price: $686,245.12
- Low Price: $681,992.02
- High Price: $488.85
- Average Price: $475.92
- Low Price: $462.02
In 2027, BRK.A shares are forecast to have an average price of $686,245, with a high of $690,589 and a low of $681,992. BRK.B shares are predicted to average $475.92, with a high of $488.85 and a low of $462.02. This shows a growth rate of 3.30% for BRK.B shares, maintaining consistent growth.
Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) AND (BRK.B) Stock Price Prediction & Forecast for 2030
- High Price: $714,258.22
- Average Price: $708,508.02
- Low Price: $702,454.10
- High Price: $519.22
- Average Price: $508.32
- Low Price: $494.20
Looking ahead to 2030, BRK.A shares are expected to have an average price of $708,508, with a high of $714,258 and a low of $702,454. BRK.B shares are predicted to average $508.32, with a high of $519.22 and a low of $494.20. The growth rate for BRK.B shares is expected to be 6.81%, indicating significant growth.
Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) AND (BRK.B) Stock Price Prediction & Forecast for 2035
- High Price: $749,220.24
- Average Price: $729,000.71
- Low Price: $718,995.93
- High Price: $549.24
- Average Price: $529.71
- Low Price: $518.90
By 2035, BRK.A shares are forecast to have an average price of $729,001, with a high of $749,220 and a low of $718,996. BRK.B shares are expected to average $529.71, with a high of $549.24 and a low of $518.90. The growth rate for BRK.B shares is forecast to be 4.20%, showing continued steady growth.
Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) AND (BRK.B) Stock Price Prediction & Forecast for 2040
- High Price: $789,068.01
- Average Price: $771,008.11
- Low Price: $751,292.37
- High Price: $568.01
- Average Price: $551.11
- Low Price: $532.37
In 2040, BRK.A shares are predicted to have an average price of $771,008, with a high of $789,068 and a low of $751,292. BRK.B shares are expected to average $551.11, with a high of $568.01 and a low of $532.37. This represents a growth rate of 4.03% for BRK.B shares, indicating a stable increase.
Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) AND (BRK.B) Stock Price Prediction & Forecast for 2050
- High Price: $952,125.33
- Average Price: $917,624.08
- Low Price: $898,900.00
- High Price: $652.33
- Average Price: $624.00
- Low Price: $608.22
By 2050, BRK.A shares are forecast to reach an average price of $917,624, with a high of $952,125 and a low of $898,900. BRK.B shares are expected to average $624.00, with a high of $652.33 and a low of $608.22. The growth rate for BRK.B shares is predicted to be 13.22%, indicating substantial long-term growth.
Berkshire Hathaway Class A (BRK.A) Price Prediction & Forecast 2025, 2026, 2027, 2030, 2035, 2040, and 2050
Year | High Price | Average Price | Low Price | Growth Percentage |
2024 | $660,900.00 | $610,900.05 | $605,900.90 | – |
2025 | $670,452.12 | $665,400.03 | $658,419.00 | 8.93% |
2026 | $685,220.99 | $677,100.70 | $671,544.07 | 1.76% |
2027 | $690,588.85 | $686,245.12 | $681,992.02 | 1.35% |
2030 | $714,258.22 | $708,508.02 | $702,454.10 | 3.24% |
2035 | $749,220.24 | $729,000.71 | $718,995.93 | 2.90% |
2040 | $789,068.01 | $771,008.11 | $751,292.37 | 5.76% |
2050 | $952,125.33 | $917,624.08 | $898,900.00 | 18.99% |
Berkshire Hathaway Class B (BRK.B) Price Prediction & Forecast 2025, 2026, 2027, 2030, 2035, 2040, and 2050
Year | High Price | Average Price | Low Price | Growth Percentage |
2024 | $433.22 | $413.72 | $401.92 | – |
2025 | $452.12 | $445.23 | $419.02 | 7.61% |
2026 | $473.92 | $460.70 | $448.77 | 3.47% |
2027 | $488.85 | $475.92 | $462.02 | 3.30% |
2030 | $519.22 | $508.32 | $494.20 | 6.81% |
2035 | $549.24 | $529.71 | $518.90 | 4.20% |
2040 | $568.01 | $551.11 | $532.37 | 4.03% |
2050 | $652.33 | $624.00 | $608.22 | 13.22% |
Berkshire Hathaway Class B (BRK.B) Price Prediction & Forecast 2025, 2026, 2027, 2030, 2035, 2040, and 2050
What is the difference between Class A and Class B shares?
The main difference between Berkshire Hathaway Class A (BRK.A) and Class B (BRK.B) shares lies in their price, voting power, and conversion options.
Class A shares are significantly more expensive, often costing over $400,000 per share, and offer greater voting power with 1 vote per share.
They can also be converted into Class B shares at 1 Class A to 1,500 Class B shares.
In contrast, Class B shares are much more affordable, typically priced around $300 per share, and provide limited voting rights with 1/10,000th of a vote per share.
Additionally, Class B shares cannot be converted into Class A shares.

If you invested $1,000 in Berkshire Hathaway’s BRK.B
If you invested $1,000 in Berkshire Hathaway Class B (BRK.B) shares, your investment could grow significantly over the years. Starting in 2024, with the average price at $413.72, you’d own about 2.42 shares. By 2025, your investment could be worth around $1,077.46, and by 2026, it might grow to $1,115.89. Continuing this trend, by 2027, it could be worth $1,153.73, and by 2030, approximately $1,230.11. Looking further ahead, by 2035, your investment might reach $1,282.90, and by 2040, about $1,333.68. Finally, by 2050, your $1,000 investment could potentially grow to around $1,509.79, showing significant long-term growth and reflecting Berkshire Hathaway’s strong market performance.
What will Berkshire Hathaway stock be worth in 10 years?
In 10 years, which would be 2034, Berkshire Hathaway stock is expected to have a range of values. Based on the predictions, the closest data point we have is for 2035, where the average stock price is expected to be around $529.71. Given this, it is reasonable to estimate that in 2034, the stock price might be slightly lower than this, potentially around $520, depending on market conditions and company performance. This estimation indicates a steady increase from the current prices.
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FAQs: Berkshire Hathaway
Why is Berkshire Hathaway dropping?
Shortly after the market started on Monday, a technical issue on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) resulted in major interruptions, including the display of inaccurate stock prices and the halting of volatility for multiple equities. Most notably, there was a brief display of a 99.9% decline in the price of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) A-shares.
Investors were left perplexed and worried by this error. The NYSE swiftly responded to the problem, emphasizing that it was a technical glitch rather than an accurate representation of the state of the market.
These issues highlight how crucial it is to have a strong trading infrastructure and quick communication to preserve investor trust and market stability.
Is Berkshire a buy sell or hold?
Due to its good management under Warren Buffett, diversified investment portfolio, and strong long-term performance, Berkshire Hathaway is typically regarded as a “hold” stock. For investors looking to invest for the long term, the company is an attractive choice due to its growth and stability.
Price of Berkshire Hathaway stock in 1975
In 1975, the price of Berkshire Hathaway’s stock (BRK.A.) was approximately $38 per share.
Also Read: What is the future of PepsiCo? predictions for 2024–2050?
Overall, Berkshire Hathaway seems like a good investment option right now. And also, discuss Berkshire Hathaway’s (BRK.A.) and (BRK.B.) Price Prediction & Forecast 2025, 2026, 2027, 2030, 2035, 2040, and 2050. If this article was helpful to you, you should check out our other predictions.
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