DJT Stock Price Prediction & Forecast 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2030, 2035, and 2040, 2050

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Investing in Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (DJT) is becoming more popular, particularly with the constant changes happening in the internet and social media sectors.

Donald J. Trump founded Truth Social in 2021. It is an American platform that provides a unique social networking experience.

In this post, we’ll talk about DJT’s stock price prediction and forecasts for 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2030, 2035, and 2040. To make decisions safely among your investment options for your portfolio. Find out more by reading!

Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (DJT) Details

Company NameTrump Media & Technology Group Corp.
Founded8 February 2021
FounderDonald J. Trump, Andy Dean
HeadquartersSarasota, Florida, United States
CEODevin Nunes
IndustryInteractive Media and Services
Market Cap$7.88 billion
Revenue (2023)$2.59 million
Net Income (2023)-$371.90 million
Total Assets (2023)$273.73 million
52-week high/low $80.38/$23.50

Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. Stock Live

DJT Stock Price Prediction & Forecasts

DJT Stock Price Prediction & Forecasts 2024

  • High Price: $47.25
  • Average Price: $44.59
  • Low Price: $39.44

DJT’s stock price is predicted to rise significantly in 2024, reaching $47.25. With an average price estimate of $44.59, the company’s growth potential is favorable. $39.44 is the lowest expected price for the year, suggesting important fluctuations in the market.

DJT Stock Price Prediction & Forecasts 2025

  • High Price: $55.12
  • Average Price: $52.23
  • Low Price: $45.21

By 2025, the stock price is forecast to increase further, with a high of $55.12. The average cost is projected to be $52.23, indicating sustained investor confidence. The low price prediction of $45.21 suggests some caution among investors regarding potential market challenges.

DJT Stock Price Prediction & Forecasts 2026

  • High Price: $63.45
  • Average Price: $59.24
  • Low Price: $54.95

In 2026, DJT’s stock is expected to continue upward, with a high price of $63.45. The average price forecast is $59.24, reflecting positive sentiment towards the company’s performance and market position. The low price prediction is $54.95, indicating some expected market fluctuations.

DJT Stock Price Prediction & Forecasts 2027

  • High Price: $69.77
  • Average Price: $64.17
  • Low Price: $61.05

By 2027, the high price forecast for DJT stock is $69.77. The average price is expected to be $64.17, with a low of $61.05. This suggests a steady growth trend, though investors should be mindful of potential market risks.

Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (DJT)
Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (DJT)

DJT Stock Price Prediction & Forecasts 2030

  • High Price: $82.10
  • Average Price: $76.08
  • Low Price: $72.58

Looking ahead to 2030, DJT’s stock is forecast to reach a high of $82.10. The average price prediction is $76.08, and the low price is $72.58, indicating continued positive growth expectations over the longer term.

DJT Stock Price Prediction & Forecasts 2035

  • High Price: $96.28
  • Average Price: $91.47
  • Low Price: $87.10

In 2035, DJT stock is projected to achieve a high price of $96.28, with an average price of $91.47. The low price forecast is $87.10, reflecting a stable growth outlook as the company matures in the market.

DJT Stock Price Prediction & Forecasts 2040

  • High Price: $116.23
  • Average Price: $108.00
  • Low Price: $103.55

By 2040, the high price prediction for DJT stock is $116.23. The average price is expected to be $108.00, with a low of $103.55. This indicates strong long-term growth potential, assuming the company successfully navigates market and industry changes.

DJT Stock Price Prediction & Forecasts 2050

  • High Price: $132.20
  • Average Price: $125.55
  • Low Price: $112.20

In 2050, DJT’s stock is forecast to reach a high of $132.20, with an average price of $125.55. The low price prediction of $112.20 suggests that while the company is expected to grow significantly, there will be periods of market correction and volatility.

DJT Stock Price Prediction & Forecasts 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2030, 2040, and 2050

YearHigh PriceAverage PriceLow PriceGrowth Percentage
DJT Stock Price Prediction & Forecasts 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2030, 2040, and 2050

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Is DJT stock buy or sell?

Positive technical indications are unavailable or insufficient at the moment for DJT stock. Both short- and long-term moving averages, with the 50-day moving average at $35 and the 200-day moving average at $40, are indicating sell signals for the Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. shares.

This points to a less positive prediction, suggesting that the stock might experience short-term decline pressure. In light of these signals, it could be better to hold the shares rather than buy additional ones because the stock’s performance might yet improve.

What is the 5-year forecast for DJT?

It is expected that DJT stock will rise significantly over the next five years.

Forecasts for the stock price in 2024 indicate optimism mixed with significant market swings, with a high expected at $47.25, an average of $44.59, and a low of $39.44.

By 2025, the high is predicted to reach $55.12, and the average price is forecasted at $52.23, indicating continued investor confidence.

In 2026, the stock is projected to rise further, with a high of $63.45 and an average of $59.24. Moving into 2027, the high price is expected to be $69.77, with an average of $64.17.

By 2030, the high is forecast to be $82.10, with an average price of $76.08. These predictions suggest a steady upward trend in DJT stock, driven by investor confidence and growth potential.

Who is investing in DJT?

A combination of venture capitalists, individual investors, and private equity firms own shares of DJT (Trump Media & Technology Group Corp.). The company’s potential in the media and technology industries draws in a lot of these investors.

Those who share Donald Trump’s vision for the company and his brand also make investments. Even if precise investor information isn’t usually made available to the public, people who want to profit from DJT’s market position and future growth opportunities typically show interest.

How many shares of DJT are there?

Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (DJT) has approximately 176.70 million shares outstanding.

How much of DJT does Trump own?

Donald Trump owns approximately 90% of Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (DJT). This significant ownership stake gives him considerable control over the company.

How can I buy DJT shares?

To buy DJT shares:

  1. Choose a Brokerage: Select an online trading platform.
  2. Open an account: Sign up and complete the required forms.
  3. Deposit Funds: Transfer money to your account.
  4. Search for DJT: Find the Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. stock.
  5. Place an order: Decide on the number of shares and place your order.

Jim Cramer on the stock surge of Trump Media & Technology Group

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Finally, we looked over DJT stock price prediction & forecast for 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2030, 2035, and 2040, 2050. Over these years, the stock will likely go up dramatically, indicating outstanding trust in investors.

The platform’s creator, Donald Trump, has high hopes for its future and plans for significant growth. Despite the difficulties it is currently facing, DJT stock has a bright future ahead of it.

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